In India, the cow is considered as a sacred animal by millions of Hindus. Governments, both at the national and state levels, are putting plans in place to increase milk production, promote the breeding of native species, and make use of the byproducts from cows. Ayurveda makes extensive use of cow dung, cow urine, cow milk, and other byproducts of cow’s milk including ghee and curd, which are collectively known as Panchagavya Ghritha. Let’s look at some of the key initiatives and schemes the government has proposed for cattle farming in our nation.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission
Since December 2014, the Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) has been operating to promote and protect native cattle breeds in our country. This initiative is crucial for increasing milk output and productivity of cows to meet the nation’s rising milk demand and to increase the profitability of dairy farming for the nation’s small-scale farmers. The program’s benefits and increased output from the initiative will trickle down to all of India’s cattle and buffaloes, especially to small and marginal farmers. Since women perform more than 70% of the effort involved in raising animals, this scheme will especially benefit women.
National Livestock Mission
The scheme focuses on commercial expansion as well as breed improvement in feed and fodder development. The scheme is carried out through the following three Sub-Missions:
Sub-Mission on Breed Development–
This sub-mission seeks to put a strong emphasis on entrepreneurial growth and breeding improvement by offering benefits to individuals by developing breeds.
Sub-Mission on Feed and Fodder development–
This sub-mission aims to develop the fodder seed chain in order to increase the supply of certified fodder seed needed for fodder production and to encourage investors to build fodder farms.
Sub-Mission on Extension and Innovation–
TThis sub-mission seeks to promote institutes, universities, and organizations engaged in feed and fodder sector research and development, extension activities, livestock insurance, and innovation.
Livestock Health and Disease Control
The scheme’s overarching goal is to enhance the animal health sector by means of the implementation of preventative vaccination programs against various illnesses and the improvement of veterinary infrastructure. The scheme’s adoption is expected to result in disease prevention and control, eventually eradication, greater access to veterinary services, and higher cattle productivity.
National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)
The National Animal Disease prevent Programme (NADCP) is a flagship initiative established by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in September 2019 to prevent Foot and Mouth Disease and Brucellosis by vaccinating 100% cattle for Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD). FMD generates a decline in milk output, a decrease in growth rate, sterility, reduced working ability and a worldwide trade ban. FMD can be controlled by mass vaccination of vulnerable cattle at regular intervals until the disease’s incidence is reduced. This would pave the road for the illness to be gradually eradicated from the country.
Dairy processing & Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)
The program’s approval aims to give capital-stressed milk cooperatives with subsidized loans @6.5% for replacing their decades-old chilling and processing units and adding value-added product factories. The project’s main objective is to establish an effective milk procurement system by installing electronic milk adulteration testing equipment at the village level and putting up processing and chilling facilities. State Dairy Federations, District Milk Unions, Milk Producers Companies, Multi State Cooperatives, and NDDB subsidiaries across the nation are considered Eligible End Borrowers (EEBs) under the Scheme and are expected to get loan assistance.
Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)
The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) has been authorized to encourage investments from independent business people, private businesses, MSME, and Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) to create the following
The program aids in boosting the capacity for processing milk and meat as well as product diversity, giving disorganized rural milk and meat farmers more access to organized milk and meat markets.
An essential element of the management of cattle is well-planned and suitable housing. Important factors to take into account include providing year-round, pleasant, and robust housing for individual animals, as well as appropriate sanitation and arrangements for clean milk production that remain within the bounds of economic viability. In order to shield animals from bad weather, a dairy house is necessary. Animal husbandry in our country protects, strengthens, and improves livestock while preserving animal genetic resources, indigenous breeds, employment opportunities, and livelihood support for women and other marginalized groups. This ensures nutritional security, economic prosperity, and livelihood support.
M, P. K., & M, P. K. (2020). Review: What are the various schemes & initiatives for Cow & other Milch Cattle? FACTLY.